本セットには「セット・ブースター」というパック・BOXの製品があり、セット・ブースターのパック内には『The List(ザ・リスト)』と呼ばれるカード(通常:全300種類)が確率で封入されています。

The List(ザ・リスト)とは、過去に収録されたカードの中から厳選された300枚(レアリティは様々)のことです。 セット・ブースターパックのみに確率で封入されていて、25%の確率で「トークン・広告カード」枠が「The List」のカードになります。
The Listですが、実は新しいセットが発売されるたびに300枚の収録カードが更新され、今回は75枚が入れ替わります。
この記事では、「兄弟戦争」で新たに更新された最新版の「The List」の収録カードや相場価格の情報を紹介します。セット・ブースターのパック開封時に活用ください。
- 「兄弟戦争」で入れ替わったカード
- The Listの全収録カード
- The Listのカード毎の相場価格(当たりカード)

相場価格は、いつもお世話になっている「Wisdom Guild」のトリム平均価格(2022.11.12時点)を参照しています。なお、この記事で紹介した価格=The Listのカード価格の相場ではありません。一般的にThe Listのカードは通常相場より少し安くなる傾向です。
The Listに追加されたカード一覧
The Listに追加されたカード(75種)をアルファベット順に紹介します。
- 活性の力/Force of Vigor
- ウルザの物語/Urza’s Saga
No | カード名(英) |
1 | Acidic Soil |
2 | Archaeomancer’s Map |
3 | Argivian Find |
4 | Argivian Restoration |
5 | Argothian Elder |
6 | Bane of Progress |
7 | Beacon of Unrest |
8 | Blessed Reversal |
9 | Brand |
10 | Catastrophe |
11 | Citanul Hierophants |
12 | Collector Ouphe |
13 | Colossus of Sardia |
14 | Crescendo of War |
15 | Crumbling Colossus |
16 | Dark Suspicions |
17 | Death or Glory |
18 | Detonate |
19 | Endoskeleton |
20 | Energy Flux |
21 | Eye of Yawgmoth |
22 | Fall of the Thran |
23 | Feldon of the Third Path |
24 | Force of Vigor |
25 | Gaea’s Embrace |
26 | Gaea’s Revenge |
27 | Glacian, Powerstone Engineer |
28 | Grisly Transformation |
29 | Hurkyl’s Recall |
30 | In the Web of War |
31 | March of the Machines |
32 | Mechanized Production |
33 | Memorial to Genius |
34 | Mishra’s Factory |
35 | Mishra’s Helix |
36 | Mishra’s Self-Replicator |
37 | Molder Slug |
38 | Mouth of Ronom |
39 | Opportunity |
40 | Order of Yawgmoth |
41 | Pentavus |
42 | Phyrexian Colossus |
43 | Pledge of Loyalty |
44 | Power Armor |
45 | Powerstone Minefield |
46 | Powerstone Shard |
47 | Priest of Gix |
48 | Priest of Titania |
49 | Prototype Portal |
50 | Retaliation |
51 | Saheeli Rai |
52 | Shatterstorm |
53 | Smokestack |
54 | Tempting Wurm |
55 | The Antiquities War |
56 | Thopter Foundry |
57 | Thran Forge |
58 | Thran Quarry |
59 | Thran War Machine |
60 | Toymaker |
61 | Urza’s Armor |
62 | Urza’s Factory |
63 | Urza’s Saga |
64 | Verdurous Gearhulk |
65 | Witch Engine |
66 | Words of War |
67 | World at War |
68 | Yawgmoth’s Agenda |
69 | Yotian Soldier |
70 | Kataki, War’s Wage |
71 | K’rrik, Son of Yawgmoth |
72 | Mishra, Artificer Prodigy |
73 | Tawnos, Urza’s Apprentice |
74 | Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools |
75 | Titania, Protector of Argoth |
The Listから削除されたカード一覧
The Listから削除されたカード(75種)をアルファベット順に紹介します。
残念ながら以下のカードたちを筆頭にThe Listから除外されてしまいました。
- 血染めの月/Blood Moon
- 逆嶋の学徒/Sakashima’s Student
- 師範の占い独楽/Sensei’s Divining Top
No | カード名(英) |
1 | Anointed Procession |
2 | Assault Formation |
3 | Bad Moon |
4 | Belligerent Brontodon |
5 | Benediction of Moons |
6 | Blood Clock |
7 | Blood Crypt |
8 | Blood Moon |
9 | Blood Pet |
10 | Blood Rites |
11 | Bloodchief Ascension |
12 | Boiling Blood |
13 | Brago, King Eternal |
14 | Brinelin, the Moon Kraken |
15 | Ceremonial Guard |
16 | Commencement of Festivities |
17 | Confront the Past |
18 | Crimson Muckwader |
19 | Cruel Celebrant |
20 | Cult of the Waxing Moon |
21 | Deathcoil Wurm |
22 | Exuberant Wolfbear |
23 | Flesh // Blood |
24 | Floodhound |
25 | Geralf’s Messenger |
26 | Gutter Grime |
27 | Guul Draz Assassin |
28 | Howling Mine |
29 | Illusionist’s Bracers |
30 | Joraga Treespeaker |
31 | Jugan, the Rising Star |
32 | Juntu Stakes |
33 | Kaseto, Orochi Archmage |
34 | Light of Day |
35 | Lunar Avenger |
36 | Mistmeadow Witch |
37 | Mizzium Tank |
38 | Mongrel Pack |
39 | Moonhold |
40 | Murkfiend Liege |
41 | Noxious Revival |
42 | Odric, Master Tactician |
43 | Perpetual Timepiece |
44 | Pir’s Whim |
45 | Profaner of the Dead |
46 | Roon of the Hidden Realm |
47 | Ruin Grinder |
48 | Sacred Rites |
49 | Sakashima’s Student |
50 | Sanguine Sacrament |
51 | Second Sunrise |
52 | Sensei’s Divining Top |
53 | Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep |
54 | Shivan Gorge |
55 | Silumgar Sorcerer |
56 | Skymarcher Aspirant |
57 | Song of Freyalise |
58 | Sorin’s Vengeance |
59 | Tendo Ice Bridge |
60 | Tezzeret, Artifice Master |
61 | Tezzeret’s Betrayal |
62 | Thalia’s Lieutenant |
63 | That Which Was Taken |
64 | The Unspeakable |
65 | Thousand Winds |
66 | Training Drone |
67 | Unwinding Clock |
68 | Vow of Lightning |
69 | Wall of Blood |
70 | Wheel of Sun and Moon |
71 | Whispersteel Dagger |
72 | Witch-Maw Nephilim |
73 | Witches’ Eye |
74 | Witchstalker |
75 | Wooden Stake |
The Listの全カードおよび相場価格の一覧
相場価格の高い順にThe Listのカードを並べました。なお、一部のカードは相場データが無いため対象外(最下部)としています。
No | カード名(英) | 相場価格 |
1 | Force of Vigor | 6,073 |
2 | Urza’s Saga | 5,271 |
3 | Karn Liberated | 3,285 |
4 | Old Gnawbone | 2,868 |
5 | Umezawa’s Jitte | 2,639 |
6 | Contamination | 2,401 |
7 | K’rrik, Son of Yawgmoth | 2,368 |
8 | Goldspan Dragon | 1,977 |
9 | Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni | 1,721 |
10 | Sheoldred, Whispering One | 1,507 |
11 | Hall of the Bandit Lord | 1,415 |
12 | Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur | 1,412 |
13 | Zacama, Primal Calamity | 1,336 |
14 | Doomsday | 1,198 |
15 | Kataki, War’s Wage | 1,191 |
16 | Smokestack | 1,191 |
17 | Chain of Smog | 1,190 |
18 | Batterskull | 1,182 |
19 | Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker | 1,104 |
20 | Collector Ouphe | 1,057 |
21 | Maze’s End | 1,047 |
22 | Archaeomancer’s Map | 1,019 |
23 | Puresteel Paladin | 1,016 |
24 | Lolth, Spider Queen | 1,000 |
25 | Tevesh Szat, Doom of Fools | 992 |
26 | Hurkyl’s Recall | 982 |
27 | Orim’s Chant | 982 |
28 | Bane of Progress | 868 |
29 | Alpine Moon | 857 |
30 | Saheeli Rai | 794 |
31 | World at War | 791 |
32 | Worldgorger Dragon | 780 |
33 | Tourach, Dread Cantor | 773 |
34 | Tiamat | 766 |
35 | Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker | 747 |
36 | Ajani, Strength of the Pride | 745 |
37 | Pitiless Plunderer | 708 |
38 | Elvish Champion | 706 |
39 | Spirit of the Labyrinth | 697 |
40 | Scion of Draco | 688 |
41 | Crescendo of War | 667 |
42 | Thousand-Year Elixir | 664 |
43 | Cloud Dragon | 663 |
44 | Mirror Gallery | 631 |
45 | Empress Galina | 621 |
46 | Desert | 591 |
47 | Thran Quarry | 581 |
48 | Mechanized Production | 569 |
49 | Demon of Death’s Gate | 568 |
50 | Ghostway | 564 |
51 | Helm of the Host | 551 |
52 | Argivian Find | 533 |
53 | Burning Inquiry | 529 |
54 | Lathliss, Dragon Queen | 483 |
55 | Collective Restraint | 478 |
56 | Pariah’s Shield | 476 |
57 | Kederekt Parasite | 437 |
58 | Gilt-Leaf Archdruid | 394 |
59 | Citanul Hierophants | 390 |
60 | Catastrophe | 385 |
61 | Sunder | 383 |
62 | Tempting Wurm | 379 |
63 | Obliterate | 370 |
64 | Priest of Titania | 360 |
65 | Vivien Reid | 355 |
66 | Aura Thief | 344 |
67 | Urabrask the Hidden | 335 |
68 | Seshiro the Anointed | 327 |
69 | Energy Flux | 323 |
70 | Ranger of Eos | 320 |
71 | Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant | 290 |
72 | Architects of Will | 288 |
73 | Alabaster Dragon | 285 |
74 | Risen Reef | 281 |
75 | Dark Ritual | 279 |
76 | Druid’s Call | 272 |
77 | Coalition Relic | 266 |
78 | Ob Nixilis, the Fallen | 265 |
79 | Fountain Watch | 263 |
80 | Blazing Shoal | 259 |
81 | Argothian Elder | 258 |
82 | Verdurous Gearhulk | 249 |
83 | Dragon’s Rage Channeler | 235 |
84 | Seahunter | 234 |
85 | Eidolon of Blossoms | 228 |
86 | Mishra’s Helix | 227 |
87 | Brand | 226 |
88 | Skirk Fire Marshal | 226 |
89 | Honden of Seeing Winds | 225 |
90 | Heartless Hidetsugu | 223 |
91 | Devoted Druid | 217 |
92 | Hymn to Tourach | 217 |
93 | Quest for the Nihil Stone | 211 |
94 | Bedlam | 203 |
95 | Acidic Soil | 203 |
96 | Mouth of Ronom | 202 |
97 | Legacy Weapon | 199 |
98 | Final Judgment | 199 |
99 | Titania, Protector of Argoth | 199 |
100 | Phyrexian Walker | 198 |
101 | Priest of Gix | 190 |
102 | Shield of the Oversoul | 186 |
103 | Forsaken City | 183 |
104 | Tawnos, Urza’s Apprentice | 183 |
105 | Barbarian Ring | 181 |
106 | Stitch Together | 180 |
107 | Pandemonium | 175 |
108 | Wasitora, Nekoru Queen | 172 |
109 | Prossh, Skyraider of Kher | 167 |
110 | Elephant Grass | 165 |
111 | Loxodon Gatekeeper | 165 |
112 | Shatterstorm | 164 |
113 | Teferi’s Veil | 162 |
114 | Plea for Power | 162 |
115 | Ertai, the Corrupted | 161 |
116 | Lovisa Coldeyes | 160 |
117 | March of the Machines | 158 |
118 | In the Web of War | 158 |
119 | Wall of Denial | 153 |
120 | Wake of Destruction | 153 |
121 | Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar | 146 |
122 | Dragon’s Approach | 145 |
123 | Mishra’s Factory | 141 |
124 | Ertai’s Meddling | 138 |
125 | Whirlpool Warrior | 135 |
126 | Tireless Provisioner | 131 |
127 | Pillaging Horde | 130 |
128 | Invasion Plans | 130 |
129 | Rat Colony | 128 |
130 | Phyrexian Scriptures | 125 |
131 | Mishra, Artificer Prodigy | 125 |
132 | Phyrexian Furnace | 124 |
133 | Colossus of Sardia | 123 |
134 | Ghitu Fire | 122 |
135 | Endless Wurm | 119 |
136 | Planar Collapse | 116 |
137 | Noxious Toad | 116 |
138 | Brightstone Ritual | 115 |
139 | Sword of the Chosen | 114 |
140 | Riftsweeper | 112 |
141 | Arvinox, the Mind Flail | 107 |
142 | Phyresis | 107 |
143 | Underdark Rift | 106 |
144 | Rout | 105 |
145 | Crosis, the Purger | 103 |
146 | Force of Savagery | 102 |
147 | Admiral Beckett Brass | 101 |
148 | Minsc, Beloved Ranger | 100 |
149 | Sleeper Agent | 99 |
150 | Phyrexian Colossus | 99 |
151 | Outlaws’ Merriment | 97 |
152 | Scryb Ranger | 95 |
153 | Dash Hopes | 94 |
154 | Pyroclasm | 94 |
155 | The Antiquities War | 94 |
156 | Tsabo Tavoc | 93 |
157 | Yawgmoth’s Agenda | 91 |
158 | Vaevictis Asmadi, the Dire | 91 |
159 | Amber Prison | 91 |
160 | Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor | 90 |
161 | Viashino Heretic | 89 |
162 | Coalition Victory | 88 |
163 | Component Pouch | 88 |
164 | Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder | 85 |
165 | Words of War | 85 |
166 | Thopter Foundry | 85 |
167 | Volrath’s Dungeon | 84 |
168 | Spectral Force | 83 |
169 | Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin | 83 |
170 | Cast Down | 83 |
171 | Starke of Rath | 82 |
172 | Runed Halo | 82 |
173 | Kangee, Aerie Keeper | 82 |
174 | Cavern Harpy | 81 |
175 | Jhoira of the Ghitu | 81 |
176 | Clockwork Dragon | 81 |
177 | Pentarch Paladin | 81 |
178 | Sosuke’s Summons | 80 |
179 | Crypt Rats | 79 |
180 | Quicksilver Dragon | 78 |
181 | Gaea’s Embrace | 76 |
182 | Molder Slug | 76 |
183 | Shifting Wall | 75 |
184 | O-Naginata | 73 |
185 | Dark Suspicions | 73 |
186 | Wizard’s Retort | 70 |
187 | Braids, Conjurer Adept | 69 |
188 | Silvos, Rogue Elemental | 69 |
189 | Repay in Kind | 68 |
190 | Powerstone Minefield | 68 |
191 | Feldon of the Third Path | 68 |
192 | Haru-Onna | 65 |
193 | Sea Gate Oracle | 65 |
194 | Bucknard’s Everfull Purse | 64 |
195 | Dromar’s Cavern | 64 |
196 | Witch Engine | 64 |
197 | Beacon of Unrest | 63 |
198 | Elspeth, Undaunted Hero | 62 |
199 | Clutch of the Undercity | 62 |
200 | Stone Haven Pilgrim | 60 |
201 | Reclamation Sage | 59 |
202 | Broodbirth Viper | 59 |
203 | Kite Shield | 58 |
204 | Jedit Ojanen of Efrava | 58 |
205 | Jaya Ballard, Task Mage | 58 |
206 | Gaea’s Revenge | 57 |
207 | Thran Forge | 56 |
208 | Soratami Savant | 56 |
209 | Death or Glory | 56 |
210 | Toymaker | 55 |
211 | Nova Cleric | 54 |
212 | Lavaborn Muse | 54 |
213 | Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate | 53 |
214 | Eye of Yawgmoth | 52 |
215 | Magnigoth Treefolk | 51 |
216 | Wizard Class | 51 |
217 | Probe | 49 |
218 | Graceful Antelope | 49 |
219 | Skullwinder | 49 |
220 | Prototype Portal | 48 |
221 | Dominaria’s Judgment | 48 |
222 | Fall of the Thran | 48 |
223 | Blessed Reversal | 48 |
224 | Detonate | 47 |
225 | Argivian Restoration | 47 |
226 | Curse of Echoes | 47 |
227 | Endoskeleton | 46 |
228 | Treasure Hunter | 45 |
229 | Retaliation | 45 |
230 | Pentavus | 44 |
231 | Illusion // Reality | 44 |
232 | Urza’s Armor | 44 |
233 | Order of Yawgmoth | 43 |
234 | Reyav, Master Smith | 43 |
235 | Vintara Snapper | 43 |
236 | Edgewall Innkeeper | 42 |
237 | Serendib Sorcerer | 42 |
238 | Phyrexian Battleflies | 42 |
239 | Jodah’s Avenger | 42 |
240 | Ominous Seas | 41 |
241 | Lucky Clover | 41 |
242 | Wall of Granite | 41 |
243 | The Mending of Dominaria | 41 |
244 | Powerstone Shard | 40 |
245 | Pledge of Loyalty | 40 |
246 | Glacian, Powerstone Engineer | 40 |
247 | Imps’ Taunt | 39 |
248 | The Wanderer | 39 |
249 | Urza’s Factory | 38 |
250 | Teremko Griffin | 37 |
251 | Thran War Machine | 37 |
252 | Akki Coalflinger | 37 |
253 | Nagao, Bound by Honor | 37 |
254 | Mishra’s Self-Replicator | 37 |
255 | Remorseless Punishment | 36 |
256 | Ajani’s Last Stand | 36 |
257 | Benalish Infantry | 35 |
258 | Ghost of Ramirez DePietro | 35 |
259 | Search the City | 35 |
260 | Deny Reality | 35 |
261 | Sink into Takenuma | 35 |
262 | Treasury Thrull | 35 |
263 | Yavimaya Barbarian | 35 |
264 | Metathran Elite | 35 |
265 | Warchanter Skald | 34 |
266 | Power Armor | 33 |
267 | Veteran Motorist | 32 |
268 | Jade Avenger | 32 |
269 | Memorial to Genius | 32 |
270 | Archway Angel | 31 |
271 | Magic Missile | 30 |
272 | Crumbling Colossus | 30 |
273 | Yotian Soldier | 30 |
274 | Reality Hemorrhage | 30 |
275 | Krydle of Baldur’s Gate | 29 |
276 | Siege Modification | 29 |
277 | Opportunity | 29 |
278 | Grisly Transformation | 27 |
279 | Opal Lake Gatekeepers | 27 |
280 | Forging the Tyrite Sword | 27 |
281 | Dispersal Technician | 25 |
282 | Scion of Ugin | 25 |
283 | Vulpine Goliath | 25 |
284 | Fifty Feet of Rope | 25 |
285 | Novice Knight | 24 |
286 | Invade the City | 24 |
287 | Thundering Sparkmage | 24 |
288 | Spoils of Adventure | 24 |
289 | Tapestry of the Ages | 22 |
290 | Mimic | 22 |
291 | Flutterfox | 20 |
292 | Leather Armor | 19 |
293 | Paladin <i>en-</i>Vec →公式ページの記載不備 →Paladin en-Vec | – |
294 | Bjorna, Nightfall Alchemist | – |
295 | Cecily, Haunted Mage | – |
296 | Elmar, Ulvenwald Informant | – |
297 | Hargilde, Kindly Runechanter | – |
298 | Othelm, Sigardian Outcast | – |
299 | Sophina, Spearsage Deserter | – |
300 | Wernog, Rider’s Chaplain | – |
「兄弟戦争」のセット・ブースターに封入される「The List(ザ・リスト)」の収録カードおよび相場価格を紹介しました。
The Listは収録カードが通常300種類と多いので当たりを引く確率がかなり低いです。当たりを引けた方はSNSなどで自慢しちゃってください!
また、私の運営するカードショップでも「兄弟戦争」や今回紹介したThe Listのカードなど、MTGを中心に取り扱っていますので、こちらもよろしくお願いします。
