Introducing the Commander Format Panel
Hello, everybody! Gavin Verhey here. And a couple of weeks ago, the Commander Rules Committee gave Wizards of the Coast management of the Commander format. You can learn more about that and the events that led to it both in our article and the WeeklyMTG livestream afterward.
こんにちは、みなさん!Gavin Verheyです。数週間前、コマンダールール委員会がコマンダーフォーマットの管理をウィザーズ・オブ・ザ・コーストに委ねました。その詳細や経緯については、記事およびその後のWeeklyMTGのライブ配信でご覧いただけます。
This whole situation is truly unprecedented. I appreciate all of your patience here as we worked to figure out our next steps. I know many of you have been waiting to hear more, and today, I will share what's happening and what you can expect in the future.
When I first started playing Commander, one of the things that struck me was how community focused the format is. It's a format played avidly at homes or at game nights with friends. It was created by community members. So, it's absolutely critical to me that the decisions around Commander always remain in touch with the community of Magic players around the world.
I'm excited to announce the Commander Format Panel. We hinted at this a couple weeks ago on stream and have been hard at work putting it together since.
What is this, how does it work, and who's on it? Let me take you through it all!
Forming the Commander Format Panel
As I mentioned before, keeping the community front and center here is critical. So, we wanted to assemble a group of the community to manage Commander: the Commander Format Panel (CFP).
It's inspired by the Pauper Format Panel. If you aren't familiar, it's a group announced at the beginning of 2022. We're a bunch of individuals from around the world that work together to monitor the health of Pauper, suggest changes, and discuss things like ban updates. I feel like it's worked out well, and it's the base that we wanted to model Commander's community group after.
While there are many similarities, there are some differences, too. For example, unlike Pauper, Commander already had several community groups that ran it: the Commander Rules Committee and the Commander Advisory Group (CAG). These groups have worked hard to maintain the vision and spirit of Commander. It was important to me that they continue as a throughline, especially during this transition.
So, in creating this group, the first thing we wanted to do was offer positions to everybody who was on the Commander Rules Committee and CAG. Starting with these community leaders was important to me.
On top of those groups, we wanted to add in some new eyes as well. Magic is a diverse, global game, and Commander is especially popular with players who play for many different reasons. I really wanted to bring in players from other places in the world who have different preferred levels of Commander play. That way, the feedback would come from more regions of the world and we could hear the full range of the Commander spectrum, from players who prefer extremely casual decks to "cEDH" (competitive Commander) players.
It's a large group. For year one of the Commander Format Panel, we have seventeen members! You'll get to meet all of them in a moment, but let's talk about a few other things first. Namely … what will this group be doing?
The Commander Format Panel's Mission
This group will be working with our design teams and other teams at Wizards to help provide feedback and craft the Commander experience. We're going to have an ongoing group Discord where we discuss the format throughout the week, every week.
A lot of it is going to be that I bring topics to them that we're talking about at Wizards for their thoughts and opinions. Longer term, I expect these people will bubble up trends they're seeing or community concerns so we can talk about them as a group. It's really a two-way street. They'll see what we're working on and get the chance to impact it, and they'll share with us what they're seeing that we should take a closer look at.
I also want to emphasize something loudly: Commander is a fantastic format that has grown under community leadership for years, and we want to maintain that. Wizards is not looking to go in and make tons of changes, and I'm not expecting the Commander Format Panel will want to do that either.
An important goal to me is that every major Commander announcement that Wizards intends to make has this group's eyes on it first. This article included, by the way—reviewing it was the first thing the panel did together! We want feedback from players in our community who are close to the format, are from all around the world, and who each have their own unique perspective. This isn't running every set's cards through them (though, on occasion, we may relay individual cards or mechanics for feedback), but it is discussing anything around the format we plan on doing or trying out.
I also think it's good to note (and I've told everybody on the panel this as well) that I do not expect everybody will agree on everything. Getting seventeen Commander players to agree on anything is a tall order, and these people are specifically chosen in part because they have diverse opinions. Ultimately, myself and other designers at Wizards are going to make the final calls, but I do expect that most of the time majority opinion on the panel will win out.
To that end, I've also told the members of the panel that they're not just welcome to express their own opinions publicly but are encouraged to. They're here because they're community members, and it's important they can be honest; they shouldn't feel beholden to back up whatever decisions the panel or Wizards of the Coast makes. I don't want them to have to act or speak inauthentically. Stating their own opinions in public is totally fine. Disagreeing loudly is totally fine. Loudly and publicly taking issue with our decisions is totally fine. Since Wizards makes the final calls, if there is any frustration, it should be placed on us at Wizards, not on members of this panel. And many of the members of the panel are content creators, and it's important to both us and them that they are free to disagree and offer different opinions on their own channels.
This first class of the Commander Format Panel has all signed on for a year. Commander is always changing, and great, new community voices appear regularly, and while there is global reach on this panel, there are still many places I'd love to be able to have members join from over time. So, each year, some people will rotate off, some new people will rotate on, and a number will remain. This provides natural rotation from year to year, helping to make sure we have a mix of people keeping the vision and new voices coming in to represent the community. You can expect this rotation somewhere between mid-October to early November.
To set expectations, it is likely that the total number of people will go down in the first rotation. Seventeen people, plus myself, is a huge group! For the first year, there's plenty for us to evaluate together, so I'm happy to have the extra eyes and experience, and it's really important to maintain consistency and vision during this transition.
Given the scope of work on the most popular format in Magic and the levels of discussion, we wanted to make sure people were more than just volunteers. So, everybody on the panel is being paid for their work as well.
What's Next for Commander?
Now that the panel is established, what are we going to be working on right away?
You might remember the bracket system that was mentioned previously, in the initial article and on the WeeklyMTG stream. We here at Wizards have iterated on it a lot with your feedback—thank you all for that! We have something that we're interested in trying.
However, while initially I was hoping to get something out to beta test at MagicCon: Las Vegas this weekend, it's really important to me to involve the panel in things like this—and when I say that, I mean it. So, rather than rush anything out now to beta test at the MagicCon, I'd rather have time for the panel to dig in, provide feedback, and iterate. That could be as simple as some tiny tweaks or as large as a full overhaul based on their feedback. We'll have more to share when it's ready and will still aim to run a beta test at an upcoming event. But, when it does debut, you can know all these great minds of Commander have worked on it and discussed it together.
しかし、当初は今週末のMagicCon: Las Vegasでベータテストを行うことを期待していましたが、このようなことにパネルを関与させることが私にとって非常に重要です—そして、それを本当に意味しています。そのため、今すぐに何かを急いでMagicConでベータテストするよりも、パネルにじっくり取り組んでもらい、フィードバックを提供してもらい、反復する時間を持ちたいと考えています。それは簡単な微調整である場合もあれば、彼らのフィードバックに基づいて完全なオーバーホールである場合もあります。準備が整ったらさらに共有し、今後のイベントでベータテストを行うことを目指します。しかし、それがデビューするときには、コマンダーの素晴らしい頭脳たちがそれに取り組み、一緒に議論したことを知っていただけます。
I will say, to clarify, one thing about what you can expect from the brackets: they're a totally optional thing to help you curate your games, much like the question "What power level is your deck?" but clearer. That's a nice thing to have, but for tons of people, I don't expect Commander to change.
After aligning on a bracket system and running some tests, I expect our focus to turn to our evaluation of the banned card list. To set expectations on that timeline, I wouldn't expect any changes before early next year at the earliest, and you will have advanced notice. As we said previously, it's still true that you should not expect any new bans in that evaluation.
One major thing that has been stressed in conversations and feedback to me is that Commander moves slow. This isn't like a format that wants a heavy touch or constant re-evaluations like competitive formats. So, while there are things we want to work on as we transition and look at everything together, we're going to take our time to do it right. We don't want to have things changing all the time. Stability is a cornerstone of what makes Commander so great. For today, I want to focus on communication so you know what's coming next.
Meeting the Panel
So … who are the people on the panel? Some of them are faces you'll probably recognize. Others might be entirely new to you. Let's meet its seventeen members!
Attack on Cardboard
Benjamin Wheeler
Charlotte Sable
DeQuan Watson
Greg Sablan
Josh Lee Kwai
Kristen Gregory
Lua Stardust
Olivia Gobert-Hicks
Rachel Weeks
Rebell Lily
Scott Larabee
Tim Willoughby
Toby Elliott
We're all excited to be a part of crafting the future of Commander together. It's an incredibly talented group of individuals—and I can't wait to see what we do all together.