本セットには「セット・ブースター」というパック・BOXの製品があり、セット・ブースターのパック内には『The List(ザリスト)』と呼ばれるカード(通常:全300種類)が確率で封入されています。
The List(ザリスト)とは、過去に収録されたカードから厳選された300枚のカード(レアリティは様々)のこと。 25%の確率でセット・ブースターパックの「トークン・広告カード」枠から「The List」のカードが出現する。

The Listですが、実は新しいセットが発売されるたびに300枚の収録カードが更新されます!
この記事では、「統率者レジェンズ:バルダーズ・ゲートの戦い」で更新された「The List」の収録カードや相場価格の情報を紹介します。
- 今回入れ替わったカード
- The Listの収録カード
- The Listのカード毎の相場価格(当たりカード)

ちなみに、「ニューカペナの街角」のThe Listに収録された『Secret Lair x Stranger Things』のマジック・テーマ版(Havengul Laboratoryを除く8種類)も続けて収録されます。
『Secret Lair x Stranger Things』のマジック・テーマ版は、特別なアート版となっていてThe List限定というのがポイントです!
具体的な収録カードおよびアートは以下のとおりです。比較用にSecret Lair版も紹介しています。
Secret Lair版 | マジックテーマ版 (The List収録) |
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相場価格は、いつもお世話になっている「Wisdom Guild」のトリム平均価格(2022.6.9時点)を参照しています。なお、この記事で紹介した価格=The Listのカード価格の相場ではありません。一般的にThe Listのカードは通常相場より少し安くなる傾向という点に注意してください。
『Secret Lair x Stranger Things』のマジック・テーマ版に関しては、Wisdom Guildに相場情報が無いため相場価格は対象外としています。
The Listに追加されたカード一覧
The Listに追加されたカード(81種)を紹介します。なお、公式の情報では『Secret Lair x Stranger Things』のマジック・テーマ版が「追加」として分類されています。(セット略称:SLX)
注目すべきカードは以下の3枚です。現スタンダード・セットの強力なカードがThe List枠に収録される熱い展開となっています!
- 《黄金架のドラゴン/Goldspan Dragon》
- 《蜘蛛の女王、ロルス/Lolth, Spider Queen》
- 《年老いた骨齧り/Old Gnawbone》
# | カード名(英) | セット名 (略称) |
1 | Alabaster Dragon | POR |
2 | Archway Angel | RNA |
3 | Arvinox, the Mind Flail | SLX |
4 | Aura Thief | UDS |
5 | Barbarian Ring | ODY |
6 | Bjorna, Nightfall Alchemist | SLX |
7 | Broodbirth Viper | C15 |
8 | Bucknard’s Everfull Purse | AFR |
9 | Cecily, Haunted Mage | SLX |
10 | Clockwork Dragon | MRD |
11 | Cloud Dragon | POR |
12 | Clutch of the Undercity | RAV |
13 | Component Pouch | AFR |
14 | Curse of Echoes | DKA |
15 | Demon of Death’s Gate | M11 |
16 | Devoted Druid | UMA |
17 | Dragon’s Approach | STX |
18 | Dragon’s Rage Channeler | MH2 |
19 | Druid’s Call | ODY |
20 | Edgewall Innkeeper | ELD |
21 | Elmar, Ulvenwald Informant | SLX |
22 | Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder | TSP |
23 | Fifty Feet of Rope | AFR |
24 | Forging the Tyrite Sword | KHM |
25 | Forsaken City | PLS |
26 | Fountain Watch | MMQ |
27 | Ghostway | GPT |
28 | Gilt-Leaf Archdruid | MOR |
29 | Goldspan Dragon | KHM |
30 | Hargilde, Kindly Runechanter | SLX |
31 | Invade the City | WAR |
32 | Kederekt Parasite | CON |
33 | Kite Shield | M12 |
34 | Krydle of Baldur’s Gate | AFR |
35 | Lathliss, Dragon Queen | GN2 |
36 | Leather Armor | AFR |
37 | Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate | ZNR |
38 | Lolth, Spider Queen | AFR |
39 | Loxodon Gatekeeper | RAV |
40 | Lucky Clover | ELD |
41 | Magic Missile | AFR |
42 | Maze’s End | DGM |
43 | Mimic | AFR |
44 | Minsc, Beloved Ranger | AFR |
45 | Nova Cleric | ONS |
46 | Old Gnawbone | AFR |
47 | Ominous Seas | IKO |
48 | Opal Lake Gatekeepers | DGM |
49 | Othelm, Sigardian Outcast | SLX |
50 | Paladin en-Vec | 10E |
51 | Pariah’s Shield | RAV |
52 | Pentarch Paladin | TSP |
53 | Pitiless Plunderer | RIX |
54 | Plea for Power | CNS |
55 | Puresteel Paladin | NPH |
56 | Quest for the Nihil Stone | WWK |
57 | Quicksilver Dragon | ONS |
58 | Ranger of Eos | ALA |
59 | Repay in Kind | ROE |
60 | Risen Reef | M20 |
61 | Scryb Ranger | TSP |
62 | Sea Gate Oracle | KHM |
63 | Search the City | RTR |
64 | Serendib Sorcerer | PLC |
65 | Shield of the Oversoul | SHM |
66 | Silvos, Rogue Elemental | ONS |
67 | Sophina, Spearsage Deserter | SLX |
68 | Spoils of Adventure | ZNR |
69 | Sunder | USG |
70 | Sword of the Chosen | STH |
71 | Thundering Sparkmage | ZNR |
72 | Tiamat | AFR |
73 | Tireless Provisioner | MH2 |
74 | Treasure Hunter | 10E |
75 | Underdark Rift | AFR |
76 | Volrath’s Dungeon | EXO |
77 | Wernog, Rider’s Chaplain | SLX |
78 | Wizard Class | AFR |
79 | Wizard’s Retort | DAR |
80 | Worldgorger Dragon | JUD |
81 | Yavimaya Barbarian | INV |
The Listから削除されたカード一覧
The Listから削除されたカード(17種)を紹介します。
- 《不浄なる者、ミケウス/Mikaeus, the Unhallowed》
- 《数多のラフィーク/Rafiq of the Many》※SNC限定の黄金時代版
# | カード名(英) | セット名 (略称) |
1 | Abrupt Decay | GK1 |
2 | Angel of Serenity | C15 |
3 | Champion of the Parish | DDQ |
4 | Coveted Jewel | C18 |
5 | Havengul Laboratory | SLX |
6 | Havengul Mystery | SLX |
7 | Lonis, Cryptozoologist | MH2 |
8 | Master of the Wild Hunt | A25 |
9 | Mikaeus, the Unhallowed | UMA |
10 | Nightmare | AKH |
11 | Rafiq of the Many | SNC/ALA |
12 | Sidisi, Undead Vizier | DTK |
13 | Speaker of the Heavens | M21 |
14 | Tamiyo, Collector of Tales | WAR |
15 | Tempest Djinn | DAR |
16 | Transmogrifying Wand | M19 |
17 | Traverse the Outlands | C17 |
The Listの全カードおよび相場価格の一覧
相場価格の高い順にThe Listのカードを並べました。
# | カード名(英) | セット名 (略称) | 相場価格 |
1 | Sakashima’s Student | PCA | 5,650 |
2 | Snapcaster Mage | ISD | 4,647 |
3 | Sensei’s Divining Top | EMA | 4,508 |
4 | Vampiric Tutor | EMA | 4,334 |
5 | Umezawa’s Jitte | BOK | 3,430 |
6 | Blood Moon | A25 | 2,850 |
7 | Goldspan Dragon | KHM | 2,791 |
8 | Blood Crypt | DIS | 2,372 |
9 | Sapphire Medallion | TMP | 2,369 |
10 | Exquisite Blood | M21 | 2,336 |
11 | Lolth, Spider Queen | AFR | 2,291 |
12 | Old Gnawbone | AFR | 2,269 |
13 | Jet Medallion | TMP | 2,246 |
14 | Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni | BOK | 2,024 |
15 | Day’s Undoing | ORI | 1,944 |
16 | Anointed Procession | AKH | 1,902 |
17 | Hall of the Bandit Lord | CHK | 1,827 |
18 | Shinka, the Bloodsoaked Keep | CHK | 1,681 |
19 | Cloud Dragon | POR | 1,680 |
20 | Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur | NPH | 1,583 |
21 | Twilight Prophet | RIX | 1,509 |
22 | Bloodchief Ascension | ZEN | 1,440 |
23 | Batterskull | NPH | 1,395 |
24 | Magus of the Moon | FUT | 1,337 |
25 | Maze’s End | DGM | 1,335 |
26 | Puresteel Paladin | NPH | 1,291 |
27 | Geralf’s Messenger | DKA | 1,230 |
28 | Wheel of Sun and Moon | SHM | 1,219 |
29 | Vedalken Orrery | 5DN | 1,219 |
30 | Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker | CHK | 1,200 |
31 | Unwinding Clock | NPH | 1,175 |
32 | Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker | SOK | 1,154 |
33 | Zacama, Primal Calamity | RIX | 1,139 |
34 | Mirror Gallery | BOK | 1,101 |
35 | Unholy Grotto | ONS | 1,073 |
36 | Worldgorger Dragon | JUD | 944 |
37 | Stitcher’s Supplier | M19 | 755 |
38 | Devoted Druid | UMA | 736 |
39 | Thousand-Year Elixir | LRW | 690 |
40 | Spirit of the Labyrinth | BNG | 677 |
41 | Demon of Death’s Gate | M11 | 673 |
42 | Noxious Revival | NPH | 668 |
43 | Selfless Spirit | EMN | 622 |
44 | Lich Lord of Unx | ARB | 611 |
45 | Wasitora, Nekoru Queen | C17 | 611 |
46 | Pitiless Plunderer | RIX | 610 |
47 | Umbral Mantle | SHM | 564 |
48 | Sorin Markov | M12 | 563 |
49 | Sedris, the Traitor King | ALA | 547 |
50 | Urabrask the Hidden | IMA | 519 |
51 | Pariah’s Shield | RAV | 517 |
52 | Tiamat | AFR | 517 |
53 | Sunder | USG | 495 |
54 | Deathcoil Wurm | P02 | 473 |
55 | Hokori, Dust Drinker | BOK | 461 |
56 | Aura Thief | UDS | 450 |
57 | Seshiro the Anointed | CHK | 449 |
58 | That Which Was Taken | BOK | 418 |
59 | Tezzeret, Artifice Master | M19 | 415 |
60 | Baral, Chief of Compliance | TSR | 414 |
61 | Ranger of Eos | ALA | 411 |
62 | Karador, Ghost Chieftain | CMD | 403 |
63 | Druid’s Call | ODY | 403 |
64 | Vivien Reid | M19 | 400 |
65 | Ghostway | GPT | 397 |
66 | Kederekt Parasite | CON | 397 |
67 | Malignus | AVR | 370 |
68 | Architects of Will | ARB | 362 |
69 | Witch of the Moors | M21 | 359 |
70 | Graveborn Muse | 10E | 334 |
71 | Howling Mine | M10 | 334 |
72 | Ob Nixilis, the Fallen | IMA | 331 |
73 | Dragon’s Rage Channeler | MH2 | 330 |
74 | Honden of Seeing Winds | CHK | 320 |
75 | Thalia’s Lieutenant | SOI | 313 |
76 | Illusionist’s Bracers | GTC | 302 |
77 | Bad Moon | DDD | 302 |
78 | Tendo Ice Bridge | BOK | 301 |
79 | Blazing Shoal | BOK | 296 |
80 | Alabaster Dragon | POR | 280 |
81 | Risen Reef | M20 | 280 |
82 | Eidolon of Blossoms | JOU | 280 |
83 | Cavalier of Night | M20 | 265 |
84 | Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant | SOK | 261 |
85 | Mindmoil | RAV | 258 |
86 | Starnheim Aspirant | KHM | 254 |
87 | Gilt-Leaf Archdruid | MOR | 250 |
88 | Stigma Lasher | EVE | 247 |
89 | Second Sunrise | MRD | 245 |
90 | Joraga Treespeaker | ROE | 239 |
91 | Expedition Map | 2XM | 228 |
92 | Pir’s Whim | BBD | 226 |
93 | Karametra, God of Harvests | BNG | 224 |
94 | Divining Witch | NEM | 216 |
95 | Quest for the Nihil Stone | WWK | 216 |
96 | Guul Draz Assassin | ROE | 210 |
97 | Lathliss, Dragon Queen | GN2 | 209 |
98 | Bedlam | USG | 203 |
99 | Ruin Grinder | STX | 201 |
100 | Blood Clock | SOK | 200 |
101 | Final Judgment | BOK | 198 |
102 | Shield of the Oversoul | SHM | 197 |
103 | Heartless Hidetsugu | CNS | 193 |
104 | Loyal Apprentice | C18 | 191 |
105 | Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar | MH2 | 184 |
106 | Honden of Infinite Rage | EMA | 183 |
107 | Patron of the Moon | BOK | 178 |
108 | Student of Warfare | ROE | 178 |
109 | Loxodon Gatekeeper | RAV | 173 |
110 | Llawan, Cephalid Empress | TOR | 173 |
111 | Plea for Power | CNS | 165 |
112 | Gravespawn Sovereign | ONS | 165 |
113 | Faithless Looting | DDK | 164 |
114 | Shivan Gorge | USG | 163 |
115 | Forsaken City | PLS | 160 |
116 | Arvinox, the Mind Flail | SLX | 155 |
117 | Pillaging Horde | POR | 150 |
118 | Chandra Nalaar | M11 | 149 |
119 | Paladin en-Vec | 10E | 145 |
120 | Early Harvest | MIR | 143 |
121 | Rishadan Brigand | MMQ | 138 |
122 | Thieves’ Auction | MMQ | 134 |
123 | Tireless Provisioner | MH2 | 121 |
124 | Dragon’s Approach | STX | 120 |
125 | Fiendslayer Paladin | M14 | 116 |
126 | Minsc, Beloved Ranger | AFR | 115 |
127 | Windborn Muse | CMD | 115 |
128 | Underdark Rift | AFR | 114 |
129 | Helldozer | RAV | 113 |
130 | Barbarian Ring | ODY | 111 |
131 | Force of Savagery | FUT | 111 |
132 | Brago, King Eternal | EMA | 109 |
133 | Vela the Night-Clad | PC2 | 108 |
134 | Noxious Toad | POR | 108 |
135 | Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician | TSP | 108 |
136 | Scryb Ranger | TSP | 106 |
137 | Volrath’s Dungeon | EXO | 105 |
138 | Rat Colony | DAR | 104 |
139 | Witch’s Oven | ELD | 103 |
140 | Sorin’s Vengeance | M12 | 101 |
141 | Murkfiend Liege | EVE | 100 |
142 | Endless Wurm | USG | 98 |
143 | Jugan, the Rising Star | IMA | 97 |
144 | Haru-Onna | SOK | 96 |
145 | Component Pouch | AFR | 94 |
146 | Fountain Watch | MMQ | 94 |
147 | Admiral Beckett Brass | XLN | 94 |
148 | Pyroclasm | POR | 92 |
149 | Runed Halo | M21 | 90 |
150 | Wolfir Silverheart | AVR | 90 |
151 | Sosuke’s Summons | BOK | 87 |
152 | Mongrel Pack | TMP | 87 |
153 | Whispersteel Dagger | ZNR | 86 |
154 | Sign in Blood | MPR Promo | 84 |
155 | Outlaws’ Merriment | ELD | 83 |
156 | O-Naginata | SOK | 83 |
157 | Witchstalker | M14 | 81 |
158 | Crosis, the Purger | C17 | 81 |
159 | Clockwork Dragon | MRD | 80 |
160 | Pentarch Paladin | TSP | 80 |
161 | Kaseto, Orochi Archmage | STX | 80 |
162 | Aboshan, Cephalid Emperor | ODY | 79 |
163 | Silvos, Rogue Elemental | ONS | 79 |
164 | Skullwinder | IKO | 78 |
165 | Gisa and Geralf | EMN | 78 |
166 | Starke of Rath | TMP | 78 |
167 | Spectral Force | TSP | 77 |
168 | Assault Formation | IMA | 77 |
169 | Wall of Blood | MRD | 77 |
170 | Quicksilver Dragon | ONS | 75 |
171 | Roon of the Hidden Realm | CMA | 73 |
172 | Witch-Maw Nephilim | GPT | 70 |
173 | Wizard’s Retort | DAR | 68 |
174 | Blood Pet | TMP | 67 |
175 | Bucknard’s Everfull Purse | AFR | 66 |
176 | Repay in Kind | ROE | 62 |
177 | Elspeth, Undaunted Hero | THB | 61 |
178 | Krenko, Tin Street Kingpin | WAR | 60 |
179 | Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder | TSP | 60 |
180 | Soratami Savant | CHK | 60 |
181 | All Suns’ Dawn | 5DN | 60 |
182 | Reclamation Sage | TSR | 59 |
183 | Stone Haven Pilgrim | M21 | 59 |
184 | Midnight Clock | ELD | 59 |
185 | Moonlace | TSP | 58 |
186 | Flesh // Blood | DGM | 57 |
187 | Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate | ZNR | 57 |
188 | Shivan Harvest | INV | 56 |
189 | Lavaborn Muse | DDK | 56 |
190 | The Unspeakable | DDS | 56 |
191 | Sword of the Chosen | STH | 55 |
192 | Tezzeret’s Betrayal | AER | 54 |
193 | Clutch of the Undercity | RAV | 54 |
194 | Archetype of Aggression | BNG | 53 |
195 | Helvault | DKA | 53 |
196 | Rend Flesh | CHK | 51 |
197 | Kite Shield | M12 | 49 |
198 | Nova Cleric | ONS | 49 |
199 | Confront the Past | STX | 48 |
200 | Juntu Stakes | INV | 48 |
201 | Curse of Echoes | DKA | 46 |
202 | Ominous Seas | IKO | 45 |
203 | Serene Sunset | JUD | 45 |
204 | Odric, Master Tactician | M13 | 44 |
205 | Skymarcher Aspirant | RIX | 44 |
206 | Sea Gate Oracle | KHM | 44 |
207 | Edgewall Innkeeper | ELD | 43 |
208 | Night // Day | APC | 43 |
209 | Serendib Sorcerer | PLC | 43 |
210 | Silumgar Sorcerer | DTK | 43 |
211 | Song of Freyalise | DAR | 42 |
212 | Cruel Celebrant | WAR | 42 |
213 | Vampiric Feast | POR | 42 |
214 | Reyav, Master Smith | CMR | 42 |
215 | Witch Hunt | C13 | 42 |
216 | Brinelin, the Moon Kraken | CMR | 42 |
217 | Hard Evidence | MH2 | 41 |
218 | Treasure Hunter | 10E | 41 |
219 | Gutter Grime | ISD | 40 |
220 | Boiling Blood | WTH | 40 |
221 | Vintara Snapper | PCY | 40 |
222 | Sanguine Sacrament | XLN | 40 |
223 | Orzhova, the Church of Deals | GPT | 40 |
224 | Lucky Clover | ELD | 39 |
225 | Light of Day | TMP | 39 |
226 | Wizard Class | AFR | 38 |
227 | Profaner of the Dead | DTK | 38 |
228 | The Wanderer | WAR | 38 |
229 | Thousand Winds | DDN | 37 |
230 | Toils of Night and Day | BOK | 37 |
231 | Treacherous Werewolf | JUD | 37 |
232 | Nagao, Bound by Honor | CHK | 37 |
233 | Illusion // Reality | APC | 37 |
234 | Moonhold | EVE | 37 |
235 | Sacred Rites | ODY | 37 |
236 | Gate to the Afterlife | AKH | 36 |
237 | Warchanter Skald | KHM | 36 |
238 | Treasury Thrull | C15 | 36 |
239 | Mizzium Tank | WAR | 35 |
240 | Yavimaya Barbarian | INV | 35 |
241 | Ceremonial Guard | MMQ | 35 |
242 | Sink into Takenuma | SOK | 35 |
243 | Akki Coalflinger | EVG | 35 |
244 | Remorseless Punishment | OGW | 34 |
245 | Lunar Avenger | 5DN | 34 |
246 | Jade Avenger | MH2 | 34 |
247 | Search the City | RTR | 34 |
248 | Veteran Motorist | KLD | 33 |
249 | Deny Reality | ARB | 33 |
250 | Archway Angel | RNA | 33 |
251 | Bleak Coven Vampires | SOM | 32 |
252 | Late to Dinner | MH2 | 32 |
253 | Blood Rites | C13 | 31 |
254 | Broodbirth Viper | C15 | 31 |
255 | Karoo | C14 | 31 |
256 | Magic Missile | AFR | 31 |
257 | Training Drone | MBS | 30 |
258 | Benediction of Moons | GPT | 30 |
259 | Krydle of Baldur’s Gate | AFR | 30 |
260 | Floodhound | MH2 | 29 |
261 | Forging the Tyrite Sword | KHM | 29 |
262 | Selesnya Keyrune | RTR | 29 |
263 | Vow of Lightning | CMR | 29 |
264 | Perpetual Timepiece | KLD | 28 |
265 | Strength of Night | APC | 28 |
266 | Mistmeadow Witch | SHM | 28 |
267 | Exuberant Wolfbear | IKO | 27 |
268 | Opal Lake Gatekeepers | DGM | 27 |
269 | Belligerent Brontodon | XLN | 26 |
270 | Novice Knight | M19 | 25 |
271 | Crimson Muckwader | M13 | 25 |
272 | Fifty Feet of Rope | AFR | 25 |
273 | Expose to Daylight | RNA | 25 |
274 | Invade the City | WAR | 24 |
275 | Wooden Stake | ISD | 24 |
276 | Vulpine Goliath | THS | 24 |
277 | Thundering Sparkmage | ZNR | 24 |
278 | Reality Hemorrhage | OGW | 23 |
279 | Emissary of Sunrise | XLN | 23 |
280 | Spoils of Adventure | ZNR | 23 |
281 | Fierce Witchstalker | ELD | 23 |
282 | Signpost Scarecrow | ELD | 22 |
283 | Cult of the Waxing Moon | SOI | 22 |
284 | Scion of Ugin | DTK | 22 |
285 | Siege Modification | AER | 22 |
286 | Witches’ Eye | THS | 22 |
287 | Tapestry of the Ages | DTK | 21 |
288 | Call of the Nightwing | GTC | 21 |
289 | Dispersal Technician | AER | 21 |
290 | Commencement of Festivities | KLD | 21 |
291 | Mimic | AFR | 21 |
292 | Flutterfox | ELD | 20 |
293 | Leather Armor | AFR | 19 |
294 | Bjorna, Nightfall Alchemist | SLX | – |
295 | Cecily, Haunted Mage | SLX | – |
296 | Elmar, Ulvenwald Informant | SLX | – |
297 | Hargilde, Kindly Runechanter | SLX | – |
298 | Othelm, Sigardian Outcast | SLX | – |
299 | Sophina, Spearsage Deserter | SLX | – |
300 | Wernog, Rider’s Chaplain | SLX | – |
「統率者レジェンズ:バルダーズ・ゲートの戦い」のセット・ブースターに封入される「The List(ザリスト)」の収録カードおよび相場価格を紹介しました。
パックからThe Listのカードが出現しても当たりなのかよく分からないことも多いかと思いますので、本記事の情報が少しでもみなさんの役に立てば幸いです。
